The benefits of
the LAYJET-method

Gentle, quick and cost effective!

In a single step, a special grinding wheel is used to cut a narrow trench 18 to 25 cm wide and 50 to 70 cm deep in the road shoulder approx. 10 cm from the edge of the pavement. In the process, up to 5 multitubes are inserted into the trench and encased in sieved and qualitly contolled fine material. A coded route warning tape is inserted at the desired height and the trench is filled with the remaining removed and prepared material. During the entire laying process, the trench remains protected by an integrated travelling formwork device and thus the road body remains stable. This is followed by specially developed, multi step compaction and, finally, automated restoration of the road shoulder. An integrated satellite receiver simultaneously provides precise position documentation with an accuracy of 2 to 5 cm. Through lateral displacement of the laying unit the edge loads on the pavement are being minimized. LAYJET technology is considered by experts to be by far the most gentle laying method along roads in the road shoulder as the road body remains stable during the entire laying process while its homogenity is barely disturbed.

Suitable for all soil classes!

The LAYJET technology can be used on any type of surface. It can handle asphalt, concrete and heavy soil classes with ease. Even with small corner radii of up to 4 meters the laying process takes place continuously without having to lift the laying unit, fully maintaining the stability of the road body as the trench is permanently protected.

Minimal impact on traffic!

While other construction methods involve weeks of road closures, noise and dirt pollution, LAYJET construction
sites are barely noticeable. Roads can be accessed again without restriction immediately after the laying process is done. Even driveways or asphalt sections that have been layed across can be driven on again immediately.

Resource preservation and climate-conscious!

A recent study that was accompanied by the Technical University of Graz has shown that the LAYJET method emits seventeen times less harmful CO2 compared to the conventional open trench method. Additionally LAYJET had its ecological footprint calculated and compensated the entire quantities of CO2 emitted by the LAYJET method by purchasing Humus Certificates from the Kaindorf ecological region. On top of that all unavoidable emissions, such as those produced by the company building, air and car travel as well as other operational processes are compensated. LAYJET voluntarily incurs costs in the six-digit range for this purpose anually. This is how LAYJET takes responsibility for a future worth living fit for generations to come.

In cooperation with our network infrastructure partners.


We lay the future.


We lay the future.


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